2013年5月11日 星期六

Status in Taiwan

I have come back to taiwan for two months, very easy to get used to the original life. But actually I want to and I really feel that, the life now I am having is different to the life I had before. That's weirded, I know. Cause I tested something aboard, l know that there are a lot of people have traveled aboard and then back to Taiwan and it seems makes no different to those people, but for me, it's different. Maybe that is because I knew how a country could be liked, and a society could be like, and a life could be like. I am not satisfied for lots of things, and there are lots of words in my mind. I am unhappy sometimes, but it is better than before, I know more than before what the unhappy is for me, it's good. Maybe its lucky for most of the people , to be unknowing. It comes to me that what budda felt when he knew the truth. I have thought about that many times.
I have some mission, I have some destiny to do something

I wish, this land will become better, less mourn, less complain, and more corporation.
Go ahead, Taiwan, cheer up, everyone.

