2013年5月14日 星期二




2013年5月11日 星期六

The happiness of people and the happy of a country

I am thinking about something, the real rich doesn't mean in wealth, but satisfied. It was said by many people many times, I try to make it connect with the policy in gorvement.
The government should set up the policy, "Happiness is the most important ", that's what jumped up to my mind immediately.
The number of GDP growth becomes not that important, goverment, would take care of the weakness people, try to adopt the policy, which would help all the people to have basic life level, enough money to buy something they want. Cause all the people be happier, rich people become happier when they think they help poor and the poor don't hate rich.
The society become happier while all the people become happier.

Status in Taiwan

I have come back to taiwan for two months, very easy to get used to the original life. But actually I want to and I really feel that, the life now I am having is different to the life I had before. That's weirded, I know. Cause I tested something aboard, l know that there are a lot of people have traveled aboard and then back to Taiwan and it seems makes no different to those people, but for me, it's different. Maybe that is because I knew how a country could be liked, and a society could be like, and a life could be like. I am not satisfied for lots of things, and there are lots of words in my mind. I am unhappy sometimes, but it is better than before, I know more than before what the unhappy is for me, it's good. Maybe its lucky for most of the people , to be unknowing. It comes to me that what budda felt when he knew the truth. I have thought about that many times.
I have some mission, I have some destiny to do something

I wish, this land will become better, less mourn, less complain, and more corporation.
Go ahead, Taiwan, cheer up, everyone.

2013年5月10日 星期五

It made me recall "flat white"

    Because all days' overwork, the time has gone soon, I felt. And weekend is coming again.
    I walked into a coffee shop out of curiosity, where I could buy some coffee like Caramel Cappuccino and Mocha, but without flatwhite, which I later found that it doesn't exist in Taiwan. I missed it, I found that. Maybe it was just a symbol of the lovely countries.
    And there are something different furthermore. In Australia, "Cafe" sells both coffee and beer, so you can drink coffee next to someone drink beer. In Taiwan, they are sold separately. However, fortunately we had"stir-fry restaurant", where you could eat delicious food with beer, and enjoy the noise.